After waiting for a little more than a year, the 12th of April 2011 finally arrived. The day I had been looking forward to for the last 5 years, the day I had concocted numerous imaginary scenes about, the day that took way too long to finally arrive. My Convocation Day! The day I finally achieved the right to officially call myself a graduate, even though I was done with classes at the university almost a year back. And my, did it feel good!
Well, to tell you the truth, most of the things did not really go according to how I had imagined them in my mind. For one, I did not look gorgeous or even minutely pretty in my black long gown; I did not get to take hundreds of pictures wearing the gown and receiving my degree, because cameras and cellphones were prohibited in the campus that day as the President was present at the occasion. I missed out on the procession of the graduates as I arrived late in the campus. Neither did I get any distinction or medal, because I'm no Summa cum Laude after all. But despite so many disappointments, the feelings I had that day were everything I knew they would be. The moment we were announced as graduates is a moment that will forever remain etched in my mind with indelible ink. I know I still have a Masters degree to pursue, but I don't know if that degree will give me the sense of completion and achievement that I got from my undergraduate, because after all, THIS is my first ever major degree!
Oh, and the best part? Hubby and I graduated together! That made the day all the more memorable for the both of us :)
Congratulations!!! :D
You look so sweet in the first pic!
Very cute pics :)
Hey Big Congratulations :)
Thank you so much everyone! :-)
Still the decision remains, I wont be going to my convocation. and Bouncy you were tagged in my last post :)
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